Sunday, October 28, 2012

Muscle memory in the void

When you don't dream you're in the void, but what if you're consciously dreaming daimon blinks? Do you blink in dreams?
It all started a couple days before the class when Sexson mentioned to Tanner that he had been in the void because he hadn't dreamed that prior night. A couple of nights before this instance I had a dream. I had a dream that I was in a foreign valley hitting golf balls in the backyard of my mansion. I can't actually be sure if if it was my mansion (or if it was even a mansion) but I was in a backyard being overlooked by two of my friends [who I cannot remember] from the verandah. I was hitting a bucket of balls into the vista of the valley [not really watching where they landed] until the two of them told me to "close my eyes," which I did, knowing my golf swing by heart. I didn't blink, setting a ball into the center of my stance, and then closed them. I followed their command in my dream, took a swing, and struck the ball as I would awake.
Now, my awake self remembers that brief segment in the dream but knows not why I wasn't in the void. I was sleeping and, when having my eyes closed, wasn't 'in the void' because I knowingly was taking my dreamed germs into account and listening to them.
There no moral to this, but there is a question: If I'm dreaming and close my eyes in my dream, seeing the black as the back of my eyelids, then is that the void? Or a void within the void? Or neither or both or something else?
Just a thought....also, does your consciously dreaming daimon blink?

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